Rain Rain go away.....
As I sit here once again listening to the rain gently hitting the roof of our nice dry home I find that my thoughts drift from my laundry piled high with unwashed items and I realise that if that is all I have to worry about I am very lucky indeed.... Most of you will have seen on the news/ read in the paper/ heard on the radio about the devastating floods being experienced in QLD and Northern NSW. I have watched some of the footage today of people who have lost everything and while choking back the tears at what was unfolding before my eyes I was once again amazed and utterly proud of the great Australian spirit!. These extraordinary Aussies, who have lost so much themselves...some their businesses and livelihoods, some their homes and every personal posession in them, some even family members...and yet they still have something positive to say about how they are the lucky ones and that others are far worse off! Lets all pray that the rain eases up as soon ...