ALL ABOARD!!!!.....for next stop of my home tour!!!
Destination.............Master Bedroom.....WHY???....'coz it was Well hello there my BLOG friends.....yesss-sir-eee.... it has been a while in between posts I know.... but this is one busy gal here. Work has kept me quite busy of late. I am in the throws of setting up a website for my boss at the moment , which is quite a big job in itself, plus I have just had the Chocolate Crow changeover to organise for another month, sewing to do, business chores to deal with, housework ....blah, blah, blah.....and sadly a funeral to attend.... But I have made it through the other end and believe it or not am actually the most organised I have been in some time. The housework is even done!!!....AND I managed to get some crafting done (boy oh boy have I missed that) AND even spent some time today on my poor neglected websites!!! So while I was taking piccy's for the websites I thought would take some extra pics and share with you another part of my home (after all....