Positive thoughts...
Most of you would know from previous posts that hubby and I don't have kids, well not of the normal kind anyways..... we have "furry kids". We lost our old girl Cassie about six months ago. She was 17+ years old and I saved her from the pound as a wee little kitten....she is very much missed around the house! Well sadly now our girl Dusty (our 12 y/old Australian kelpie) is having a few problems and she is at the vet today having surgery to remove what we think is a cancerous lump in one of her many "boobies". She's greying around the edges now days....but still on the ball You can never catch a piccie of this one without her waking!! She was sound asleep a "millisecond" before I took the shot! ...and I was being extra sneaky too! We are staying very positive and will do everything we can to give her the best chance possible. So please if you have the time, please cast a few positive thoughts her way today... She is very much a p...